Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex and gender variant individuals are confronted by a wide range of issues, some that might be specific to queer culture and others that are more general.
Various mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges may be stimulated or worsened by the impact of oppression. This can be seen in the case of depression, anxiety, self-harm, suicidality, body shame, addiction, PTSD, self-hate and self-blame. It is important to note that despite these hardships, the lives of LGBTQQI individuals and communities are infused with resilience, liveliness, and beauty.
I have over fifteen years experience working with LGBTQQA+ communities through activism, education, counseling and program development. I hope to support and empower LGBTQQQA+ individuals in their efforts toward health and well-being.
I have experience with a broad range of issues including:
Homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, gender oppression
Coming out issues
Relationships and communication
Fluid gender and sexual identities
Gender variance/non-conformity
Intersecting oppressions
Body image
Bisexual politics
Queer shame and internalized oppression
Family issues
Polyamory and other expansive relationship models
Queer bashing and other hate crimes
HIV/AIDS related issues
Life transitions